Larry founded IDEA.TECH Associates in 1982 to pursue his dream of running a business that provides scientific analysis and intelligent design of technology. Larry has a Master of Science in Statistical Sciences from George Mason University, and a Bachelor of Science in Humanities and Technology from Drexel University.. was also a Ph.D. student in the Computational Statistics and Informatics Department at George Mason University. Larry has published many articles on environmental issues and information technology. On top of managing IDEA*TECH, Larry as clients with Strategic Technology planning, SharePoint branding and development projects, SharePoint training, and data analysis projects. Larry also leads our Outsourced CIO Services program. In his spare time, Larry enjoys reading, working out, playing Tennis, and listening to music, including classical and opera.

Laurance J. Milask

Larry founded IDEA.TECH Associates in 1982 to pursue his dream of running a business that provides scientific analysis and intelligent design of technology.